• Constipation Danger Signs: When to See a Doctor

    Constipation is a common gastroenterology concern. It affects most people at some point, whether due to a fiber-poor diet or a stressful day at work. Many cases are more uncomfortable than harmful and will go away by themselves. In some cases, however, constipation can be a sign of a more serious health concern. But how

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  • Should You See a Doctor to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection?

    Most women experience a vaginal yeast infection at least once in their lives. Anyone who has had one understands how unpleasant they can be, with itchy rashes and discomfort when using the bathroom. As tempting as it may be to seek an at-home solution, it is usually best to consult with a specialist first. Bergen

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  • How to Tell if You Have a Urinary Tract Infection

    A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system, which consists of the bladder, ureters, kidneys, and urethra. Although everyone is susceptible to the condition, UTIs are especially common in women, babies, and older adults. This urology condition can be serious if left untreated, but usually is not a

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  • 8 Bergen Medical Physicians have been recognized as Top Doctors in New Jersey!

    At Bergen Medical Associates, we are proud to announce that eight of our distinguished physicians have been recognized as Top Doctors in New Jersey. These exceptional doctors, whose specialties include gastroenterology, primary care and allergy, embody our practice’s commitment to delivering the highest standard of patient care. As a leading multispecialty medical group with 40 doctorsRead more
  • What Does Gout Feel Like?

    Gout is a painful medical condition that can appear seemingly out of nowhere. When it does, the resulting discomfort can disrupt sleep and reduce quality of life. Bergen Medical Associates is a multi-specialty practice that diagnoses and treats many conditions, including gout, for patients in northern New Jersey. Here, we explain what gout feels like,

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  • What Is Usually the First Sign of Lupus? Know the Symptoms

    Lupus is an uncomfortable condition to live with. Its unpredictable flare-ups and variety of symptoms can disrupt everyday life, making it difficult to enjoy the activities you love. Though identifying lupus symptoms can be tricky, a professional diagnosis can help patients find relief. Bergen Medical Associates is a multi-specialty medical practice with locations throughout northern

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  • How Do You Know if a Sinus Infection Is Serious?

    Having a stuffy nose can ruin one’s plans for the day. It’s even worse when these symptoms seem to linger. If that’s the case, the sufferer may be dealing with a sinus infection. While sinus infections are common and may not have any lasting effects, it’s important to pay attention to the symptoms because they

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  • Is Frequent Urination at Night a Bad Sign?

    Most people have to use the bathroom during the night once in a while. However, when a person experiences frequent urination at night, they may have nocturia, a symptom of many urological conditions. Bergen Medical Associates serves patients in northern New Jersey and the surrounding areas with comprehensive medical care, including urology services. Here, we

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  • What to Do When Foot Pain Keeps You off Your Feet

    Pain in the feet can range from mild and acute to severe and chronic, impacting a person’s walking abilities and daily activities. Fortunately, treatment can provide relief and get you back on your feet. Bergen Medical Associates is a multi-specialty provider of comprehensive medical care in northern New Jersey, including treatments for foot pain and

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  • Thyroid Cancer Can Go Undetected for a Long Time

    Some people may be living with thyroid cancer and not know it. This is because symptoms of thyroid cancer are not unique or distinctive. In other words, thyroid cancer symptoms can mimic those of less severe illnesses and diseases. This makes early detection and screening essential, especially for patients with more telling symptoms (like lumps

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