Hemorrhoids Treatment in New Jersey

Hemorrhoids are a common concern. Their symptoms create persistent discomfort and may make bowel movements difficult. Though home remedies may alleviate some symptoms, medical care is the best way to find complete relief. In northern New Jersey, the gastroenterologists at Bergen Medical Associates provide hemorrhoids treatment to help patients get back to pain-free living.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

Woman experiencing hemorrhoid painHemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the anal cushions. The anal canal is where solid waste, or stool, leaves the body. It consists of three columns of anal cushions. These cushions help the anus form a tight closure, keeping stool inside until the person is ready for a bowel movement. They also protect the sphincter muscles against tearing and strain during bowel movements. Blood vessels pass between the cushions to provide essential oxygen and nutrients.

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins become irritated due to excess pressure. Hemorrhoids can occur inside the anus (internal), under the skin surrounding the anus (external), or in a combination of both locations (internal-external). Symptoms and treatment plans depend on the location of the hemorrhoids.

What Are the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids?

Symptoms of hemorrhoids depend on their location and their size. Some are asymptomatic, meaning they cause no noticeable signs. Others cause significant discomfort and may interfere with bowel movements. Common symptoms include:

  • Bleeding during bowel moments
  • Pain inside the anus
  • Itching or irritation in the anal region
  • Swelling around the anus
  • A hard, discolored lump

Many of these symptoms are also caused by similar conditions, such as anal fissures or colon cancer. If a person is experiencing anal discomfort, their healthcare provider at Bergen Medical Associates will perform an exam and other tests to correctly diagnose the cause of the symptoms.

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are caused by pressure on the belly and lower extremities. This pressure stretches the vein walls, allowing them to bulge outward. The bulge becomes swollen and inflamed, creating the hemorrhoid. In many cases, pressure comes from strain – especially frequently or over a prolonged period. Common causes of hemorrhoids include:

  • Straining during bowel movements, often due to constipation
  • Sitting for long periods of time, especially on the toilet
  • Chronic diarrhea or constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Increased pelvic pressure due to obesity or pregnancy
  • Regularly lifting heavy objects or weightlifting

The risk of developing hemorrhoids increases as a person ages. This is because the tissues that support rectal and anal veins become weak over time. Weakened tissue is more susceptible to stretching, creating a higher likelihood of developing a hemorrhoid.

How Are Hemorrhoids Diagnosed?

When a patient visits Bergen Medical Associates, the gastroenterologist begins by reviewing their medical history, asking about symptoms, and performing a physical examination. Often, the symptoms and examination are enough to diagnose hemorrhoids. In other cases, the doctor may request additional tests to rule out other conditions including a digital rectal exam, anoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy. While potentially uncomfortable, these procedures are not painful. They are typically performed without anesthesia, and patients can go home the same day.

What Are Hemorrhoids Treatments?

Treatments for hemorrhoids depend on their severity and the patient’s overall health. In some cases, the hemorrhoid will go away on its own. The doctor may recommend treatments to alleviate discomfort in the meantime. These can include:

  • Medication: Over-the-counter topical medications can help relieve pain and itching. Laxatives may also be recommended to combat constipation.
  • Diet changes: By drinking more water and increasing fiber intake, the patient may lose weight and reduce constipation to avoid aggravating hemorrhoids.
  • Sitz bath: A 10- to 20-minute daily soak in a warm bath is often effective at relieving pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids.

If hemorrhoids do not heal after a week of conservative treatments, or if symptoms interfere with daily life, further treatment may be necessary. Options for treating hemorrhoids include rubber band ligation or infrared light therapy.

Choose Bergen Medical Associates for Hemorrhoid Treatment in New Jersey

Patients don’t need to live with the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. Located in northern New Jersey, Bergen Medical Associates has been an area leader in gastroenterology for over 25 years. We offer expert care at convenient locations across the region. To speak with a physician or schedule an appointment for hemorrhoid treatments, request an appointment today.